Details From ZYCC - LONGJIA
To WIBT - Tanjung Balai Karimun/Seibati (DGAC)
Flight Number -
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Stats Distance 2,984 nm / 5,526 km
Max Altitude 35,000 ft / 10,668 m
Waypoints 46
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Basic altitude profile: - Ascent Rate: 2500ft/min - Ascent Speed: 250kts - Cruise Altitude: 35000ft - Cruise Speed: 420kts - Descent Rate: 1500ft/min - Descent Speed: 250kts Options: - Use NATs: yes - Use PACOTS: yes - Use low airways: yes - Use high airways: yes


ZYCC ATVIM A588 DLC W5 MAKNO HCH 3700N12000E 3600N12000E 3500N12000E 3400N12000E 3300N12000E PIMOL ZJNB ESBAG ELNEX A599 KOW W19 NOMAR SHL A461 CH A1 DAN W1 AC L644 CS L642 VMR WIBT

ID Type Via Altitude (ft/m) Position (lat/lon) Dist (leg/tot) Name
O ZYCC APT - 0 / 0 43.99621 / 125.68535 - / 0 nm LONGJIA
ATVIM FIX - 26,700 / 8,138 43.01500 / 124.62167 74 / 74 nm
KYU VOR A588 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 42.63333 / 124.00833 35 / 110 nm KAIYUAN VOR-DME
KY NDB A588 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 41.70500 / 123.74667 56 / 167 nm WANGBINGOU NDB
LCH VOR A588 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 40.86167 / 123.13333 57 / 225 nm LONGCHANG VOR-DME
MUPAM FIX A588 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 40.22167 / 122.38500 51 / 276 nm
BM NDB A588 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 39.64000 / 121.72167 46 / 322 nm WAFANGDIAN NDB
DLC VOR A588 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 38.96000 / 121.51333 41 / 364 nm DALIAN VOR-DME
MAKNO FIX W5 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 38.46333 / 121.14833 34 / 399 nm
HCH VOR - 34,000 / 10,363 37.65500 / 120.54500 56 / 455 nm HUANGCHENG VOR-DME
3700N12000E LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 37.00000 / 120.00000 47 / 502 nm
3600N12000E LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 36.00000 / 120.00000 60 / 562 nm
3500N12000E LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 35.00000 / 120.00000 60 / 622 nm
3400N12000E LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 34.00000 / 120.00000 60 / 682 nm
3300N12000E LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 33.00000 / 120.00000 60 / 742 nm
PIMOL FIX - 34,000 / 10,363 32.24667 / 119.77833 46 / 789 nm
ZJNB APT - 34,000 / 10,363 31.94167 / 119.71167 18 / 808 nm
ESBAG FIX - 34,000 / 10,363 31.62000 / 119.67667 19 / 827 nm
ELNEX FIX - 34,000 / 10,363 29.63167 / 119.49000 119 / 947 nm
SHR VOR A599 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 28.41667 / 117.96667 108 / 1055 nm SHANGRAO VOR-DME
NF NDB A599 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 27.21667 / 116.56667 103 / 1159 nm NANFENG NDB
KOW VOR A599 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 25.82167 / 114.91500 122 / 1281 nm GANZHOU VOR-DME
MABAG FIX W19 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 24.31333 / 114.50667 93 / 1374 nm
BILAT FIX W19 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 23.86833 / 114.14667 33 / 1407 nm
NOMAR FIX W19 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 23.50833 / 113.85667 26 / 1434 nm
SHL VOR - 34,000 / 10,363 23.09000 / 113.85333 25 / 1459 nm SHILONG VOR-DME
IDUMA FIX A461 (AWY-LO) 35,000 / 10,668 22.89500 / 113.95333 12 / 1472 nm
BEKOL FIX A461 (AWY-LO) 35,000 / 10,668 22.54333 / 114.13333 23 / 1496 nm
CH VOR A461 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 22.21954 / 114.03006 20 / 1516 nm CHEUNG CHAU VOR-DME
DAGON FIX A1 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 19.08833 / 111.86500 223 / 1740 nm
CAVOI FIX A1 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 17.22500 / 110.00000 154 / 1894 nm
BUNTA FIX A1 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 16.83333 / 109.39500 41 / 1936 nm
KANGU FIX A1 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 16.35417 / 108.66472 50 / 1987 nm
DAN VOR A1 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 16.05276 / 108.19823 32 / 2020 nm DANANG VOR-DME
PK NDB W1 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 14.00667 / 108.00889 123 / 2143 nm PLEIKU NDB
BU NDB W1 (AWY-LO) 35,000 / 10,668 12.67028 / 108.04222 80 / 2223 nm BUON MA THUOT NDB
AC NDB W1 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 10.93917 / 107.18833 115 / 2339 nm ANLOC NDB
LOSON FIX L644 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 10.49333 / 107.07556 27 / 2366 nm
CS NDB L644 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 8.72972 / 106.63194 109 / 2475 nm CONSON NDB
ESPOB FIX L642 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 7.00000 / 105.55500 122 / 2597 nm
ENREP FIX L642 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 4.87306 / 104.24500 149 / 2747 nm
VEPLI FIX L642 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 3.87306 / 104.09500 60 / 2808 nm
EGOLO FIX L642 (AWY-LO) 30,400 / 9,266 3.32667 / 104.01333 33 / 2841 nm
ROBMO FIX L642 (AWY-LO) 24,000 / 7,315 2.91111 / 103.95000 25 / 2866 nm
VMR VOR L642 (AWY-LO) 18,200 / 5,547 2.38833 / 103.87167 31 / 2898 nm MERSING VOR-DME
O WIBT APT - 0 / 0 1.05282 / 103.39278 85 / 2983 nm Tanjung Balai Karimun/Seibati (DGAC)

Altitude Profile

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0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds