Details From EGWU - RAF Northolt
Flight Number -
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Stats Distance 4,766 nm / 8,827 km
Max Altitude 34,000 ft / 10,363 m
Waypoints 43
Social Downloads 0
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Using NAT tracks from 26/3/2017 Basic altitude profile: - Ascent Rate: 2500ft/min - Ascent Speed: 250kts - Cruise Altitude: 35000ft - Cruise Speed: 420kts - Descent Rate: 1500ft/min - Descent Speed: 250kts Options: - Use NATs: yes - Use PACOTS: yes - Use low airways: yes - Use high airways: yes


EGWU NUMPO UL607 ABDUK UL180 BEDRA 4800N02000W 4700N02500W 4500N03000W 4400N03500W +42.000_--40.000 M +35.000_--60.000 ARUVO ASAKU GRANN DDP G432 CLAYO RTE9 DAKES G431 BEXER G885 ABA A567 TEGER UA567 STB A567 CUC W34 PIE W9 BOMAD SKMA

ID Type Via Altitude (ft/m) Position (lat/lon) Dist (leg/tot) Name
O EGWU APT - 0 / 0 51.55270 / -0.41959 - / 0 nm RAF Northolt
NUMPO FIX - 34,000 / 10,363 51.61000 / -3.28361 106 / 106 nm
ABDUK FIX UL607 (AWY-HI) 34,000 / 10,363 51.64278 / -3.80028 19 / 126 nm
SWANY FIX UL180 (AWY-HI) 34,000 / 10,363 51.55944 / -4.13000 13 / 139 nm
MERLY FIX UL180 (AWY-HI) 34,000 / 10,363 51.33333 / -5.00000 35 / 174 nm
LESLU FIX UL180 (AWY-HI) 34,000 / 10,363 51.00000 / -8.00000 114 / 289 nm
BANDU FIX UL180 (AWY-HI) 34,000 / 10,363 50.48556 / -10.14750 87 / 376 nm
KENUK FIX UL180 (AWY-HI) 34,000 / 10,363 50.00000 / -12.00000 76 / 453 nm
BEDRA FIX UL180 (AWY-HI) 34,000 / 10,363 49.00000 / -15.00000 131 / 585 nm
4800N02000W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 48.00000 / -20.00000 207 / 793 nm
4700N02500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 47.00000 / -25.00000 211 / 1004 nm
4500N03000W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 45.00000 / -30.00000 240 / 1245 nm
4400N03500W LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 44.00000 / -35.00000 222 / 1467 nm
+42.000_--40.000 LATLON - 34,000 / 10,363 42.00000 / -40.00000 250 / 1717 nm
+39.000_--50.000 LATLON M (NAT) 34,000 / 10,363 39.00000 / -50.00000 490 / 2208 nm
+35.000_--60.000 LATLON M (NAT) 34,000 / 10,363 35.00000 / -60.00000 536 / 2744 nm
ARUVO FIX - 34,000 / 10,363 27.33333 / -65.00000 527 / 3271 nm
ASAKU FIX - 34,000 / 10,363 27.00000 / -65.00000 20 / 3291 nm
GRANN FIX - 34,000 / 10,363 23.50000 / -65.80000 214 / 3506 nm
DDP NDB - 34,000 / 10,363 18.46828 / -66.41239 304 / 3810 nm DORADO NDB
CLAYO FIX G432 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 18.05700 / -66.44412 24 / 3835 nm
PSE VOR RTE9 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 17.99244 / -66.51917 5 / 3840 nm PONCE VOR-DME
DAKES FIX RTE9 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 17.04805 / -66.99962 63 / 3903 nm
SCAPA FIX G431 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 15.83414 / -67.49953 78 / 3982 nm
BOSCO FIX G431 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 14.68333 / -67.98333 74 / 4056 nm
BEXER FIX G431 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 14.19422 / -68.18786 31 / 4088 nm
KERLI FIX G885 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 13.29833 / -69.12334 76 / 4165 nm
ONDAS FIX G885 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 13.04136 / -69.39025 21 / 4187 nm
ABA VOR G885 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 12.50567 / -69.94311 45 / 4232 nm ARUBA VOR-DME
NOREX FIX A567 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 12.31167 / -70.06167 13 / 4246 nm
CAUCA FIX A567 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 11.46975 / -70.56703 58 / 4304 nm
MAU VOR A567 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 10.68817 / -71.04183 54 / 4359 nm MENE MAUROA VOR-DME
GIDOX FIX A567 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 10.45142 / -71.16703 16 / 4375 nm
TEGER FIX A567 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 10.15642 / -71.32369 19 / 4395 nm
EKERI FIX UA567 (AWY-HI) 34,000 / 10,363 9.76142 / -71.53036 26 / 4422 nm
STB NDB UA567 (AWY-HI) 34,000 / 10,363 8.98361 / -71.93869 52 / 4474 nm SANTA BARBARA DEL ZULIA NDB
ENPUT FIX A567 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 8.20639 / -72.37361 53 / 4528 nm
CUC VOR A567 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 7.93361 / -72.51389 18 / 4546 nm CUCUTA VOR-DME
TILLA FIX W34 (AWY-LO) 34,000 / 10,363 7.50500 / -72.75139 29 / 4576 nm
PIE NDB W34 (AWY-LO) 30,600 / 9,327 6.88583 / -73.09389 42 / 4618 nm PIEDECUESTA NDB
SOKOR FIX W9 (AWY-LO) 24,600 / 7,498 6.46528 / -73.29528 27 / 4646 nm
BOMAD FIX W9 (AWY-LO) 20,500 / 6,248 6.18000 / -73.43194 18 / 4665 nm
O SKMA APT - 0 / 0 4.72780 / -74.27538 100 / 4766 nm MADRID AB

Altitude Profile

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0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation
Forecast for 2025-02-05 06:00 UTC. Updated 3 hours ago

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds


Name RAF Northolt
Region United Kingdom
Timezone Europe/London (UTC+0.0)
Stats Elevation 124 ft / 38 m (AMSL)
Location 51.552700° -0.419586°
Runways 1
Magnetic Variation 0.492° E


EGWU 050550Z AUTO 14004KT 9999 NCD 02/01 Q1034



TAF AMD TAF AMD EGWU 042324Z 0500/0518 CNL


Departure Runways

ID Width Length Bearing (true/mag) Surface Threshold Overrun Markings Lighting
07 148 ft / 45 m 5,510 ft / 1,680 m 69.75° / 69.26° ASPHALT 305 ft / 93 m 0 ft / 0 m VISUAL EDGE THRESHOLD CALVERT-ILS
25 148 ft / 45 m 5,510 ft / 1,680 m 249.77° / 249.28° ASPHALT 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m VISUAL EDGE THRESHOLD CALVERT-ILS


Region Colombia
Timezone America/Bogota (UTC-5.0)
Stats Elevation 8,325 ft / 2,537 m (AMSL)
Location 4.727800° -74.275400°
Runways 1
Magnetic Variation 8.219° W


Not found


Not found

Destination Runways

ID Width Length Bearing (true/mag) Surface Threshold Overrun Markings Lighting
06 80 ft / 24 m 6,060 ft / 1,847 m 58.67° / 66.89° ASPHALT 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m APP
24 80 ft / 24 m 6,060 ft / 1,847 m 238.67° / 246.89° ASPHALT 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m APP