Details From AGGM - MUNDA
To PARC - Arctic_Village
Flight Number -
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Stats Distance 5,355 nm / 9,917 km
Max Altitude 35,000 ft / 10,668 m
Waypoints 49
Social Downloads 0
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Basic altitude profile: - Ascent Rate: 2500ft/min - Ascent Speed: 250kts - Cruise Altitude: 35000ft - Cruise Speed: 420kts - Descent Rate: 1500ft/min - Descent Speed: 250kts Options: - Use NATs: yes - Use PACOTS: yes - Use low airways: yes - Use high airways: yes


AGGM -700S15800E PONOK -400S15900E -200S16000E TASAK 000N16100E 100N16100E 300N16200E FENSE 500N16300E UKS A222 STEFF LOOIS 1000N16500E 1200N16500E 1300N16500E 1500N16500E 1700N16600E NGUEN 2000N16700E 2200N16800E 2400N16900E 2500N16900E 2700N17000E 2900N17100E 3000N17100E 3200N17200E 3400N17300E 3500N17300E 3700N17400E 3900N17500E 4000N17600E 4200N17700E 4300N17800E 4500N-18100W 4700N-18000W 4800N-17900W 5000N-17800W 5100N-17700W ADK J120 FAI J160 AYKID T273 TUVVO PARC

ID Type Via Altitude (ft/m) Position (lat/lon) Dist (leg/tot) Name
O AGGM APT - 0 / 0 -8.32696 / 157.26300 - / 0 nm MUNDA
-700S15800E LATLON - 32,400 / 9,876 -7.00000 / 158.00000 90 / 90 nm
PONOK FIX - 35,000 / 10,668 -5.28500 / 158.26000 104 / 195 nm
-400S15900E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 -4.00000 / 159.00000 88 / 284 nm
-200S16000E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 -2.00000 / 160.00000 134 / 418 nm
TASAK FIX - 35,000 / 10,668 -1.44222 / 160.00000 33 / 451 nm
000N16100E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 0.00000 / 161.00000 105 / 557 nm
100N16100E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 1.00000 / 161.00000 60 / 617 nm
300N16200E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 3.00000 / 162.00000 134 / 751 nm
FENSE FIX - 35,000 / 10,668 3.50000 / 162.26200 33 / 785 nm
500N16300E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 5.00000 / 163.00000 100 / 885 nm
UKS NDB - 35,000 / 10,668 5.35307 / 162.95700 21 / 907 nm KOSRAE
STEFF FIX A222 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 6.98667 / 165.25500 168 / 1075 nm
LOOIS FIX - 35,000 / 10,668 8.20167 / 164.74800 78 / 1154 nm
1000N16500E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 10.00000 / 165.00000 109 / 1263 nm
1200N16500E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 12.00000 / 165.00000 120 / 1383 nm
1300N16500E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 13.00000 / 165.00000 60 / 1444 nm
1500N16500E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 15.00000 / 165.00000 120 / 1564 nm
1700N16600E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 17.00000 / 166.00000 133 / 1697 nm
NGUEN FIX - 35,000 / 10,668 18.85640 / 166.69700 118 / 1815 nm
2000N16700E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 20.00000 / 167.00000 70 / 1886 nm
2200N16800E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 22.00000 / 168.00000 132 / 2019 nm
2400N16900E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 24.00000 / 169.00000 132 / 2151 nm
2500N16900E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 25.00000 / 169.00000 60 / 2211 nm
2700N17000E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 27.00000 / 170.00000 131 / 2343 nm
2900N17100E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 29.00000 / 171.00000 131 / 2474 nm
3000N17100E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 30.00000 / 171.00000 60 / 2534 nm
3200N17200E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 32.00000 / 172.00000 130 / 2665 nm
3400N17300E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 34.00000 / 173.00000 130 / 2795 nm
3500N17300E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 35.00000 / 173.00000 60 / 2855 nm
3700N17400E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 37.00000 / 174.00000 129 / 2985 nm
3900N17500E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 39.00000 / 175.00000 129 / 3114 nm
4000N17600E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 40.00000 / 176.00000 75 / 3189 nm
4200N17700E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 42.00000 / 177.00000 128 / 3318 nm
4300N17800E LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 43.00000 / 178.00000 74 / 3392 nm
4500N-18100W LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 45.00000 / -181.00000 127 / 3520 nm
4700N-18000W LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 47.00000 / -180.00000 127 / 3647 nm
4800N-17900W LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 48.00000 / -179.00000 72 / 3720 nm
5000N-17800W LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 50.00000 / -178.00000 126 / 3846 nm
5100N-17700W LATLON - 35,000 / 10,668 51.00000 / -177.00000 71 / 3917 nm
ADK NDB - 35,000 / 10,668 51.87190 / -176.67600 53 / 3971 nm MOUNT MOFFETT
SPY NDB J120 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 57.15700 / -170.23300 388 / 4360 nm SAINT PAUL ISLAND
POETT FIX J120 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 58.71070 / -166.99600 139 / 4499 nm
BET VOR J120 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 60.78480 / -161.82400 199 / 4699 nm BETHEL
MCG VOR J120 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 62.95100 / -155.61100 218 / 4917 nm MCGRATH
FAI VOR J120 (AWY-HI) 35,000 / 10,668 64.80010 / -148.01200 229 / 5147 nm FAIRBANKS
AYKID FIX J160 (AWY-HI) 30,400 / 9,266 65.84930 / -147.27600 65 / 5212 nm
TUVVO FIX T273 (AWY-LO) 6,800 / 2,073 67.62220 / -146.08000 110 / 5322 nm
O PARC APT - 0 / 0 68.11580 / -145.57500 31 / 5354 nm Arctic_Village

Altitude Profile

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0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 35+ Temperature / °C

Clouds and Precipitation
Forecast for 2025-02-04 18:00 UTC. Updated 5 hours ago

Ground ~20,000 ft ~40,000 ft Winds


Region Solomon Islands
Timezone Pacific/Guadalcanal (UTC+11.0)
Stats Elevation 14 ft / 4 m (AMSL)
Location -8.326960° 157.263000°
Runways 1
Magnetic Variation 7.934° E


Not found


Not found

Departure Runways

ID Width Length Bearing (true/mag) Surface Threshold Overrun Markings Lighting
07 98 ft / 30 m 4,531 ft / 1,381 m 79.18° / 71.24° ASPHALT 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m NONE
25 98 ft / 30 m 4,531 ft / 1,381 m 259.18° / 251.24° ASPHALT 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m NONE


Name Arctic_Village
Region USA (Alaska)
Timezone America/Anchorage (UTC-9.0)
Stats Elevation 2,084 ft / 635 m (AMSL)
Location 68.115800° -145.575000°
Runways 1
Magnetic Variation 15.097° E


PARC 041956Z AUTO 00000KT 8SM CLR M26/M28 A3017 RMK AO2 SNB00E24 SLP320 P0000 T12611283 FZRANO TSNO



Not found

Destination Runways

ID Width Length Bearing (true/mag) Surface Threshold Overrun Markings Lighting
02 75 ft / 23 m 4,505 ft / 1,373 m 44.99° / 29.90° GRAVEL 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m NONE EDGE THRESHOLD
20 75 ft / 23 m 4,505 ft / 1,373 m 225.01° / 209.92° GRAVEL 0 ft / 0 m 0 ft / 0 m NONE EDGE THRESHOLD REIL-OMNI